In-Person Saturday evening - 5:00pm
In-Person Sunday morning - 10:30am
Facebook Live - Sunday morning at 10:30am & Saturday evening at 5pm. The live stream service will be available on Facebook to watch
via Live Streaming@
Adult Sunday School class meets at 9am on Sunday mornings.
Join us in person for Bible Study on Tuesday mornings at 10 am in the church library.
All are welcome!
This is the
Intersection of Life & Hope
and you are welcome here. Antioch is a place of warmth, acceptamnce, and compassion where membership and participation is open to people from all denominations and religious backgrounds without regard to gender, race, or sexual orientation. All are welcome here.
"Go therefore and make disciples of every nation, Baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you."
- Matthew 28:19-20
Join us for coffee and conversation before worship on Saturday and Sunday.
4805 N Antioch Rd Kansas City, Missouri 64119
Saturday Service - 5:00pm in person
Sunday Service - 10:30am in person and live-stream in Facebook